LastPass 被黑,源码泄漏
2022-8-26 07:51:42 Author: 非尝咸鱼贩(查看原文) 阅读量:38 收藏

前不久 Twilio 刚遇到员工钓鱼被入侵,甚至影响到 Signal。

没过多久惨剧又降临到 LastPass 身上。

LastPass 的官方博客发布新文章表示,近期他们的一个开发者账号遭到入侵,攻击者访问了开发环境和部分源代码,但不涉及线上的用户数据。目前公告没有提到开发者账号是如何被黑的。



Notice of Recent Security Incident

To All LastPass Customers,  

致所有 LastPass 的客户们,

I want to inform you of a development that we feel is important for us to share with our LastPass business and consumer community.  


Two weeks ago, we detected some unusual activity within portions of the LastPass development environment. After initiating an immediate investigation, we have seen no evidence that this incident involved any access to customer data or encrypted password vaults.  

两周前,我们在 LastPass 开发环境的某些部分中检测到了一些异常活动。在立即展开调查后,我们没有看到任何证据表明此事件涉及对客户数据或加密密码库的任何访问。

We have determined that an unauthorized party gained access to portions of the LastPass development environment through a single compromised developer account and took portions of source code and some proprietary LastPass technical information. Our products and services are operating normally. 

我们已经确认,有未经授权的一方通过一个被入侵的开发者帐户,获得了对 LastPass 开发环境的部分访问权限,并获取了部分源代码和一些专有的 LastPass 技术信息。我们的产品和服务正常运行。

In response to the incident, we have deployed containment and mitigation measures, and engaged a leading cybersecurity and forensics firm. While our investigation is ongoing, we have achieved a state of containment, implemented additional enhanced security measures, and see no further evidence of unauthorized activity.  


Based on what we have learned and implemented, we are evaluating further mitigation techniques to strengthen our environment. We have included a brief FAQ below of what we anticipate will be the most pressing initial questions and concerns from you. We will continue to update you with the transparency you deserve.  


Thank you for your patience, understanding and support.  


Karim Toubba 

CEO LastPass 



1. Has my Master password or the Master Password of my users been compromised?  


No. This incident did not compromise your Master Password. We never store or have knowledge of  your Master Password. We utilize an industry standard Zero Knowledge architecture that ensures LastPass can never know or gain access to our customers’ Master Password. You can read about the technical implementation of Zero Knowledge here. 

不会。此事件并未泄露您的主密码。我们从不存储或知道您的主密码。我们采用行业标准的零知识架构,确保 LastPass 永远不会知道或访问我们客户的主密码。您可以阅读有关零知识的技术实施文档(微信不能插链接,请移步原文查看)。

2. Has any data within my vault or my users’ vaults been compromised?  


No. This incident occurred in our development environment. Our investigation has shown no evidence of any unauthorized access to encrypted vault data.  Our zero knowledge model ensures that only the customer has access to decrypt vault data. 


3. Has any of my personal information or the personal information of my users been compromised? 


No. Our investigation has shown no evidence of any unauthorized access to customer data in our production environment.  


4. What should I do to protect myself and my vault data? 


At this time, we don’t recommend any action on behalf of our users or administrators. As always, we recommend that you follow our best practices around setup and configuration of LastPass which can be found here. 

目前,我们不建议我们的用户或管理员做任何操作。与往常一样,我们建议您遵循我们关于设置和配置 LastPass 的最佳实践。

5. How can I get more information? 


We will continue to update our customers with the transparency they deserve.  


后续以 LastPass 官方公布的情况为准。
