Irremovable guest in facebook event — Facebook bug bounty
2022-8-15 18:34:42 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:18 收藏

Hello Everyone, This is Rajiv Gyawali from Butwal, Nepal. This is a story of one of my finding on facebook.

Story : I was reading writeups of facebook bug bounty and came to a writeup which was about being unable to remove member from facebook event, The circumstances were “Invited user blocks owner of event”, I tested the same scenario at first but couldn’t reproduce it, Later i went to one of my test group and created an event in normal scenario(I thought it to be a normal scenario at first), and tried to remove a member from that event, i was unable to remove that member from group, I became happy with the thought like…ohhhhh buggy…thing :)

I tested that issue in several groups, There comes some disappointment, I was unable to reproduce it in some groups, i was very unsure whether to report that issue or not as there was a risk of fb team not reproducing it, i reported it anyway.

As expected, facebook team could not reproduce the issue, i myself was confused about the reproduction scenario of bug(So that was fair reply from facebook security :D), I again started testing for that issue from zero level, And…finally figured out the scenario required for the reproduction of issue…. Big relief :P :P

Actually, To reproduce that issue following Scenario was required :

  • When the owner of an event is a member of a group along with his facebook page, he can’t remove guest from an event.

So, I sent them with the additional information required to reproduce the issue, and they were able to reproduce the issue (PoC : )

Timeline :

Report sent — 17th Sep 2021

Initial response from facebook — 22 September 2021 (Unable to reproduce)

Sent with additional info and scenario — 23rd September 2021

Reproduced — 24th September 2021

Triaged — 29th September 2021

Bounty Rewarded — 7th October 2021

Fixed and Confirmed — 21th November

This issue however was still reproducible in FB4A, may exist even now, but facebook team said they don’t accept this sort of issues in FB4A.

Thank you for reading to the end, Let’s get connected here Rajiv Gyawali

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