Un3xpected DoS Attack on Profile Pictur3
2022-7-23 21:12:9 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:21 收藏

Hey Everyone, Hope y’all doing Great and aw3some!

Okayyyy - First of all, I wanted to say everyone that I prefer to publish Write-ups that are unique and something strange that may help you along the way of Bug Hunting and not something cliche, so I think that this Write-up may not bore you with regular stuffs instead help you with some insights during your hunting( so keep reading ;] ). I’m not a complete bug hunter with all the knowledge, just a random bug hunter with imperfect ideas on bug hunting so please pardon the technical mistakes if any.

  • When I try to upload a Pixel Image in profile picture, just like every secure web application — I got a error pop-up not allowing me to upload the pixel image
  • Then I tried uploading files with various extensions as well like php, .php.jpeg, .svg and other possible extensions to bypass it — Which failed as well
  • Tried intercepting with Burp suite and did all the testing by changing the extension and everything — which probably failed as well
  • Then I almost got fedup by doing all these testing and not getting anything from it. Actually this was the first time I tried to bypass a file upload so I tried pretty much everything on the way with the knowledge that I acquired from various writeups, blogs and videos.

Till this time I was thinking that I need to do something complex to find a bug like this and tried all the above method. Now the solution that I got was as simple it could be..,

  • Just like a normal user would do, I uploaded a valid image as the profile picture but I did not click on “Set New profile Picture”
  • Instead I tried uploading the lotta pixel image now by clicking “Choose file” and then clicked “Set New profile Picture”
  • Which caused Application Level DoS and the page became unresponsive when I tried from other browsers as well
  • To increase the impact, I once again tried with svg, php and other extensions but it was not possible
  • For the whole time I was thinking to find a bug with complex things and at the end it was as a simple thing that made this happen

  • First upload a valid image and don’t click Set New profile picture
  • Now without closing the window upload this lottapixel.jpg file by clicking choose file
  • Now when you set this as new profile picture, the page becomes unresponsive.

Since it was only a DoS Attack and it was mentioned “Out of Scope” the program was kind enough to reward me with $100 for this issue.

So that’s all about the bug, glad to share my knowledge and give back to the community — If there is any mistake above, please do correct me and if there is any doubt please do contact me.

Twitter — https://twitter.com/mveswar98

~Thank you!

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文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/un3xpected-dos-attack-on-profile-pictur3-b957979dcc7?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d--bug_bounty