Hex Editing of Processes on Linux
2022-2-14 19:10:8 Author: blog.cerbero.io(查看原文) 阅读量:21 收藏

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The upcoming 5.4 version of Cerbero Suite introduces the capability to open processes in the hex editor on Linux. Windows has already supported this feature since the introduction of our hex workspace.

Just like on Windows, it is not only possible to edit the entire address space, but also to edit individual modules.

If opening a process fails, most probably it is because root privileges are required to perform the operation. To avoid having the application create application files with different access rights, it is recommended to create a portable copy of Cerbero Suite and run that copy as root.

Creating a portable copy can be achieved from Settings -> Portable.

文章来源: https://blog.cerbero.io/?p=2333