04 Mar 2013
Using the widget QComboBox in Qt 4.8 is pretty easy, but the documentation can
be a little bit confusing the first time you want to use it, so here is a quick
example on how to use its basic features:
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "mainwindow.h"
int main ( int argc , char * argv [])
QApplication a ( argc , argv );
MainWindow * w = new MainWindow ();
w -> show ();
return a . exec ();
#include <QtGui/QDialog>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QGridLayout>
class MainWindow : public QDialog
MainWindow ( QWidget * parent = 0 );
QGridLayout * myGrid ;
QComboBox * myComboBox ;
QLabel * myLabel ;
public slots :
void mySlot ( int idx );
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H
#include "mainwindow.h"
MainWindow :: MainWindow ( QWidget * parent )
: QDialog ( parent )
myGrid = new QGridLayout ( this );
myLabel = new QLabel ( "-" );
myComboBox = new QComboBox ();
//we fill myComboBox with some stuff:
myComboBox -> addItem ( "AAA" );
myComboBox -> addItem ( "BBB" );
myComboBox -> addItem ( "CCC" );
myComboBox -> addItem ( "DDD" );
//and we connect the signal to the appropiate slot:
QObject :: connect ( myComboBox , SIGNAL ( activated ( int )), this , SLOT ( mySlot ( int )));
myGrid -> addWidget ( myComboBox , 0 , 0 , Qt :: AlignLeft );
myGrid -> addWidget ( myLabel , 1 , 0 , Qt :: AlignLeft );
//The slot that will read our input and do something with it:
void MainWindow :: mySlot ( int idx )
myLabel -> setText ( myComboBox -> itemText ( idx ));
And now let’s take a look at how this simple example looks:
文章来源: https://jcjc-dev.com/2013/03/04/creating-a-dropdown-menu-with-qt/ 如有侵权请联系:admin#unsafe.sh