TG Soft is pleased to announce that Vir.IT eXplorer PRO passed the latest "VB100" test, carried out in July 2024 by the British Independent Certification company Virus Bulletin in London and achieved the same results as some of the most famous international AntiVirus-Antispyware-AntiMalware software.
The official Virus Bulletin website reports all the software currently certified VB100 on Windows operating systems => => testing => VB100 Virus Bulletin is a cybersecurity information portal. Its test and certifications have a globally recognized reputation, that provides users with authoritative information on the latest developments in the global cyber threat landscape. Vir.IT eXplorer PRO, distributed and supported by TG Soft, was officially certified by Virus Bulletin as early as October 2016.
These are the certifications obtained by Vir.IT eXplorer PRO in 2024, after the positive outcome of the tests: Below you can see all the tests passed by Vir.IT eXplorer PRO in previous years: VirIT Mobile Security, the Italian Anti-Malware software that protects Android™ smartphones and tablets, from Malware intrusions and other unwanted threats and empowers the user to safeguard their privacy with an advanced heuristic approach (Permission Analyzer). TG Soft makes VirIT Mobile Security available for free by accessing the Google Play Store market ( where you can download the Lite version, that can be freely used in both private and business settings. You can upgrade to the PRO version by purchasing it directly from our website:
Virus Bulletin's annual international conference is considered as one of the world's most important IT security events.
The next highly awaited meeting, will be held Oct. 2-4, 2024 at the Clayton Hotel Burlington Road in Dublin, Ireland, VB2024Dublin. See the full conference program and find out how to register. TG Soft, Italian Cyber Security Specialist, distributor for more than 30 years of AntiVirus-AntiSpyware-AntiMalware and AntiRansomware Crypto-Malware protection solutions, participated in several Virus Bulletin meetings (VB2019London, at VB2018Montreal; at VB2017Madrid; at VB2016Denver; at VB2015Praga; and at VB2011Barcellona), where more than 400 delegates from all over the world were present, to share their ideas, expertise and research.
VB100 Award and passed tests
The VB100 Award is a certification attributed to those products that meet basic standards, to evaluate security on different operating systems, under the strict criteria of comparative tests conducted by VB labs, and are thus recognized to be effective and working anti-malware solutions.
The product is tested on the Windows 10 platform, where is assesssed the antivirus' ability:
The following is the certification obtained by Vir.IT eXplorer PRO in the last test of July 2024.
If you are not yet using Vir.IT eXplorer PRO, it is advisable to install Vir.IT eXplorer Lite -FREE Edition- to supplement the antivirus in use, to increase the security of your computers, PCs and SERVERS.
Try Vir.IT eXplorer Lite
Vir.IT eXplorer Lite has the following special features:
VirIT Mobile Security AntiMalware ITALIAN for ALL AndroidTM Devices
TG Soft
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