Everything you need to know about DNS services
2023-6-5 15:5:30 Author: ly0n.me(查看原文) 阅读量:0 收藏

If you are searching for DNS services, you have heard that they can speed up your domain resolution and improve your site’s overall performance. But how do they do it? What is a DNS service exactly? Don’t worry. Now you will find out.

What is a DNS service?

There are cloud-based DNS services, both Free DNS and Premium DNS (paid), that can help boost the speed of the domain resolution (the matching of a domain to its IP address) by offering additional servers closer to the users that can answer quicker. More servers located in different places in the world will help you answer your users’ queries faster, and there won’t be so much effort for your DNS infrastructure.

Find out more details about DNS services!

What is DNS?

Domain Name System (DNS) is the Internet phonebook that matches domain names to their IP addresses (domain resolution). So basically, find the IP address of the domain you are looking for, and your device can load the content from the site.

What is the difference between Free DNS and Premium DNS service?

There are two apparent differences, the price and the performance.

Free DNS service

You obviously don’t pay anything for the Free DNS, which will still improve your domain resolution.

But, and there is a big but. It will have very limited service compared to the Premium DNS option.

The typical limits are:

Fewer DNS servers that you can use.

There are often limits on the number of DNS queries towards your domain name.

Also, limits on the number of DNS records that you can have.

And, let’s not forget all the Premium features like Monitoring, DNS Failover, GeoDNS, Load balancing and more.

Premium DNS service

For a Premium DNS service, you need to pay either monthly or per resource used (number of queries, number of servers, etc.). It is best to choose monthly subscriptions because you can better organize your budget this way.

The paid service will strongly improve the speed of your domain name and its availability. When you pay, you get a quality service and experts behind it who will do everything to keep their DNS network online as close to the 100% of the time as possible.

You will still have some limits, but many times higher than the free one. For example, imagine using 30 points of presence instead of 1 and having the possibility to add thousands of DNS records instead of just under 100.

You will get all kinds of useful Premium features like Anycast DNS, Reverse DNS, DNSSEC, DNS Failover, GeoDNS, Monitoring, and more.

Should I get a free DNS service or paid one?

Your choice depends on your traffic and needs. If you are unsure, start with a Free plan or the minimum paid one and upgrade as your needs grow.

How can I get a Premium DNS service?

You can search for a Premium DNS provider that specializes in DNS hosting. Then, check the available plans and choose the one that best suits you.

Now you know more about DNS services and can make the right choice.

文章来源: https://ly0n.me/everything-you-need-to-know-about-dns-services/