How to Design User-Centric Web3 Applications (DApps): Tips and Tricks
2024-10-22 05:15:54 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

In the slow but sure shift from Web2 to Web3, decentralized applications (dApps) promise to be a step up from their Web2 counterparts with greater user empowerment and data ownership.

Nevertheless, the traditional principles of UX/UI (i.e., consistent interface elements, smooth user onboarding, concise language) still hold value; on the flip side, there are unique challenges facing UX/UI designers and developers striving to create engaging user experiences in dApps.

In fact, a statistic has shown that only 25% of Web3 users feel confident about using decentralized applications.

Users are expecting more autonomy, demanding intuitive interfaces that allow them to navigate complex Web3 concepts and networks effortlessly.

Web3 developers often require close collaboration with designers to realize their creations; the decentralized nature of Web3 invites them to rethink human behavioral variables such as the trust factor, considering that dApps no longer rely on middlemen and centralized agencies.

What Makes a Web3 User Tick?

Unlike traditional web applications, Web3 caters to a diverse audience, ranging from seasoned crypto enthusiasts to newcomers getting their feet wet in DeFi. When designing a dApp, consider these varying levels of technical understanding.

  • Crypto-natives: These users are comfortable with concepts like wallets, private keys, and gas fees. They may prioritize advanced features and customization options.

  • Newcomers: These users may be unfamiliar with blockchain terminology and require clear explanations and guidance. Simplicity and ease of use are paramount for this group.

Key Principles of Intuitive Design for Web3

When delving into the intuitive design for Web3 and blockchain dApps, understanding the user's mindset and journey becomes paramount. Begin by considering the mental model of your audience. Are they new to blockchain technologies or veterans of the space?

Designing with their knowledge level in mind can dramatically improve usability.

1. Bring the Web2 Familiarity to Web3

Port over metaphors and workflows from Web2 where relevant. This doesn't mean you should shy away from innovative elements of Web3, but rather weave in traditional UI components. Familiarity breaks down barriers; when users recognize patterns, they navigate more easily and confidently.

2. Less Is More

The idea of Web3 itself is already... a lot. Clarity and simplicity should guide design choices. Confusing layouts can derail user engagement. Instead, aim for a clean, uncluttered interface that emphasizes core features. Essential elements should be front and center, reducing cognitive load and helping users make swift decisions.

aelfscan, a blockchain explorer, exemplifies simplicity in its interface

3. Feedback Loop

Another crucial aspect is feedback. In a dApp, every action, like a swap transaction or data entry, should be acknowledged through feedback such as obvious confirmation screens or animations. In the same vein, there should be instant feedback and solution offerings when users bump into error messages (or, in UX/UI parlance, 'unhappy paths').

This reassures users that their actions are recorded and effective, building a sense of trust and reliability.

4. Consistent Experience Across Device Types

Like most Web2 applications, dApps run on mobile, desktop, and tablets. Designing for consistency across various platforms enhances the user experience. Whether on a desktop application or mobile interface, consistent navigation and visual cues help users form a mental map of the application, making the transition between devices seamless.

It also cuts down unnecessary paranoia during certain transaction activities, like using two different devices to scan QR codes and input wallet addresses.

Project Schrodinger, an AI NFT platform that has users adopting digital cats for trades, showcases consistency in experience and UI elements across device types

5. Security and Privacy

Security cannot be understated in Web3, since users often manage valuable digital assets (imagine the sheer volume moved by whales alone). Prioritize robust authentication methods, clear warnings about potential risks, and educational resources on best security practices.

Although Web3 and blockchain are known for immutable records, advocate for the use of strong encryption techniques to protect user data, and clearly communicate precautions to reassure users. Providing detailed transaction summaries and activity history is also a way to foster reassurance.

Practical Tips for Web3 UX/UI Design

Let's translate these principles into actionable design strategies:

1. Onboarding

First impressions matter. Users might be wary of complexity or security risks, so it'll be a good practice to create a smooth and engaging onboarding process that guides new users through the essentials of dApp. Consider interactive tutorials or step-by-step guides, both in-app and on the web.

Single-screen sign-up is a classic approach that may be more suitable for experienced Web3 users who already know what to expect, and are comfortable diving straight into the thick of it.

Swipeable onboarding screens may be ideal for newcomers; the digestible format helps them absorb the core features and value proposition of the dApp. Even then, a good practice is to keep it to no more than three swipes, as every additional step increases user drop-off.

Portkey's onboarding consists of two steps: A welcome screen, followed by a log-in or sign-up screen that offers multiple SSO methods.

2. Web3 Wallet Integration

Connecting a crypto wallet is often the first real interaction a user has with a dApp. A clunky wallet integration process can lead to frustration and abandonment. Some ways to make it seamless include:

  • One-click connect: Wherever possible, aim for a 'one-click' connection. Utilise WalletConnect or similar protocols to minimize the number of steps involved.

  • Wallet detection: Automatically detect the user's installed wallets and display their preferred options prominently

  • QR code support: Offer QR code scanning as an alternative connection method, especially for mobile users

  • Multiple wallet support: Cater to a wide range of users by supporting popular wallets like MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Trust Wallet, Argent, Rainbow, and of course, Portkey, the account abstraction (AA) wallet built on the aelf ecosystem

  • Guidance for newcomers: Provide clear instructions and visual aids to guide users through the connection process, especially if they are new to Web3 wallets

  • Security reminders: Display clear and concise security reminders during the connection process, emphasizing the importance of protecting their private keys.

One-click wallet connection on ETransfer, with QR code support

3. Know-Your-Customer (KYC) Integration

While decentralization is a core principle of Web3, many dApps, especially those dealing with financial transactions or sensitive data, require Know Your Customer (KYC) processes to comply with regulations and ensure security.

  • Transparency and clarity: Clearly explain why KYC is required and how user data will be handled. Be upfront about the information that will be collected and how it will be used.

  • Streamlined process: Make the KYC process as efficient as possible. Minimize the number of steps and the amount of information required.

  • Secure data handling: Emphasise the security measures in place to protect user data. Consider using decentralized identity solutions to enhance privacy.

  • User-friendly verification: Integrate with reliable KYC providers that offer a smooth and user-friendly verification experience

  • Clear feedback and status updates: Keep users informed throughout the KYC process. Provide clear feedback on the status of their verification and any required actions.

4. Transaction Flows

Transactions are at the heart of most Web3 interactions. Simplify transaction flows by providing clear explanations of gas fees, estimated transaction times, and confirmation steps.

  • Visual clarity: Use clear visual cues to highlight key information like transaction amounts, gas fees, network fees, and estimated completion times

  • Real-time feedback: Use loaders, progress bars, or status notifications to give users real-time transaction updates

  • Dynamic price updates: For transactions involving token swaps or trades, display dynamic price updates to reflect market fluctuations. Include clear disclaimers about price volatility and its potential impact on the final transaction amount.

  • Background processing: Whenever possible, allow users to navigate away from the transaction screen and perform other activities within the dApp while the transaction is processing in the background. Provide notifications or alerts upon completion or if any errors occur.

  • Confirmation steps: Implement clear confirmation steps to prevent accidental transactions. Require users to review and explicitly confirm transaction details before submission.

  • Transaction history: Provide a detailed transaction history that is easily accessible and searchable. Allow users to filter transactions by date, type, or status.

When users switch from Portkey to AwakenSwap to perform token swaps, a disclaimer appears to include a warning about price volatility

5. Error Handling

Errors are inevitable. Instead of displaying generic error messages, provide specific and informative guidance on how to resolve issues—this is best supplemented with empathetic language.

  • Specific and informative messages: Avoid generic error messages like 'Transaction failed'. Provide specific details about what went wrong, such as 'Not enough funds for gas fees' or 'There's a network connection error'.

  • Contextual guidance: Offer contextual guidance on how to resolve the error. For instance, if a transaction fails due to insufficient funds, provide a direct link to the user's wallet or a guide on how to acquire more of the required cryptocurrency.

  • Error prevention: Whenever possible, implement measures to prevent errors in the first place. Use input validation to ensure users enter correct data formats, and provide clear warnings about potential risks before they initiate actions.

  • Recovery mechanisms: Offer recovery mechanisms for common errors. For example, if a user initiates a transaction with a low gas fee that causes a delay, allow them to 'speed up' the transaction by submitting a new one with a higher fee.

  • User-friendly language: Avoid technical jargon (i.e., Error 404) in error messages. Use clear, concise, and natural conversational language that is easy for all users to understand.

Error handling on Project Schrodinger and ETransfer

6. Tooltips and Explainers

Don't assume users understand all the terminology. Consider generous use of tooltips or expandable info tabs across the digital touchpoints; explain complex terms like 'gas fees', 'smart contracts', 'blockchain networks', or 'NFT', in a concise and layman way.

It is also a good practice to build a knowledge bank or a dedicated FAQ within the dApp to house longer-form help content.

Portkey wallet's FAQ page

7. Testing and Iteration

The work never ends, even after launch. Diligently testing and updating the dApp to fix bugs is a given, but it is the backbone of keeping up with evolving user needs.

Earlier in the article, we mentioned user research through surveys, interviews, and usability tests. It is a gold mine of findings to help improve the dApp experience in a focused manner.

A/B testing and user verbatim are two of the most common methods to affirm UX/UI design prototypes and assumptions. Be prepared to pivot based on findings, and keep track of what works (and what doesn't).

These steps should bring you much closer to your creation's 'North Stars'.

In Closing: A Bonus Tip

The success of your dApp can hinge on an X factor. Will users remember your creation, or come back to it?

Delivering personalized experiences could be the answer. This means users can get tailored recommendations as they interact with the dApp, based on their behavior and preferences. It could be something as simple as a pre-set shortcut of a user's most frequently used function, or bespoke suggestions to aid in an activity. AI integration can help with that, by analyzing on-chain activity, predicting user preferences, and even offering proactive assistance.

User-centric experiences and interfaces also extend to the software and platform developers and designers work on—the builders are users themselves too.

If you're building on aelf, a high-performance Layer 1 AI blockchain, its AI toolkit and user-friendliness of the aelf Playground integrated development environment takes the tedium out of the building process, so you and your team can focus solely on designing the best possible user experience.

*Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other form of professional advice. aelf makes no guarantees or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information on this blog. You should not make any investment decisions based solely on the information provided on this blog. You should always consult with a qualified financial or legal advisor before making any investment decisions.

About aelf

aelf, the pioneer Layer 1 blockchain, features modular systems, parallel processing, cloud-native architecture, and multi-sidechain technology for unlimited scalability. Founded in 2017 with its global hub based in Singapore, aelf is the first in the industry to lead Asia in evolving blockchain with state-of-the-art AI integration, transforming blockchain into a smarter and self-evolving ecosystem.

aelf facilitates the building, integrating, and deploying of smart contracts and decentralized apps (dApps) on its Layer 1 blockchain with its native C# software development kit (SDK) and SDKs in other languages, including Java, JS, Python, and Go. aelf’s ecosystem also houses a range of dApps to support a flourishing blockchain network. aelf is committed to fostering innovation within its ecosystem and remains dedicated to driving the development of Web3, blockchain, and the adoption of AI technology.

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