Weekly Retro 2024-W31
2024-8-6 01:29:38 Author: 0xda.de(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

I missed last week and I don’t want to miss another week. I’m preparing for BSides Las Vegas and Defcon. I’ll be speaking at BSides and I’ll be working at the Hak5 booth all weekend at Defcon. I’ll also be featured on the soundtrack with my new song, “Oh Dade”, produced by Mikal kHill.

I also learned a few things about Hugo and Advanced Slides over the weekend while I was setting up a page for my presentation. It’ll have a copy of the talk script as well as the slides available. My biggest complaint about it right now is that it inadvertently relies on external resources, which I’ve tried hard to make sure my website won’t do. So I’ll probably update the new Hugo Shortcode I made when I get done with hacker summer camp so that you have to click to enable the slides, which will be locally hosted javascript. The slides will require javascript anyways, so the “Click to enable” will basically give me a way to give you a way to opt in to loading third party resources, instead of opting out.

Unrelated, I also binge watched Arcane over the weekend. I’ve been a League of Legends player since it first came out, and it was nice to see the universe expanded like that. I originally tried to watch it back in 2021, but I didn’t really like the art style that much. I’m glad I gave it a second chance, the art style grew on me, the stories were interesting, and the soundtrack featured a number of bangers. It also gave me some really interesting and fun ideas for some videos, but unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be able to record them this year at Defcon.

What I’m Reading

Book cover for Tor, by Ben Collier. Subtitle 'From the Dark Web to the Future of Privacy'

Tor: From the Dark Web to the Future of Privacy

By Ben Collier

ISBN: 9780262548182
Learn More

No real progress reading this week.

  • N/A

Upcoming Projects

  • BSides Las Vegas Talk - Accepted! - I will be presenting “Free Your Mind: Battling Our Biases” at BSides Las Vegas 2024 at 15:30 on August 6th in the Common Ground track. This will be my first return to a public stage in like 6 years, and my first time speaking in Vegas. Stay tuned.
  • Defcon 32 Call For Soundtrack - “Oh Dade”, produced by Mikal kHill, has been Accepted. It will premier during Defcon. The plan is to keep it a Defcon Soundtrack exclusive at this time, though it may make its way to streaming services a year down the line. (Due: N/A - Done)
  • PyBay 2024 Talk - Submitted - I have wanted to get out of the security conference space and talk about security-related things at other types of conferences for a while, and I had an idea for a talk that I think fits perfectly with PyBay. Bonus, PyBay is local, so I don’t have to travel. (Due: N/A - Done)

文章来源: https://0xda.de/blog/2024/08/weekly-retro-2024-w31/